22 December 2008
Building phase 1 is finished....
21 December 2008
Half sister Quite Easy to Quality Stud....
21 November 2008
Sister Cassini I & II....
12 November 2008
Quality Stud purchases french top-quality blood....
21 October 2008
Sandro Boy’s sister....
23 September 2008
Figaro de la Vie C approved!...
18 September 2008
Dakar de la Vie goes to the Netherlands....
25 August 2008
Antigone to Fences!...
19 August 2008
Foal out of Aka sold at ESI-auction....
25 July 2008
For Hero keeps on winning....
05 July 2008
Real class does not lie....
04 July 2008
Foal of Charme selected for Auction of Prinsjesdag....
7 weeks old....
30 June 2008
Filly of K-Quintana is getting stronger....
28 June 2008
Filly for the full sister of Arko III....
04 June 2008
A colt of Berlin out of Charme....
26 May 2008
To Ireland....
22 May 2008
14 days old....
10 days old....
11 May 2008
Strong foal....
10 May 2008
A colt and a filly for Courtisane and Perella....
30 April 2008
Foals for Aralou and Cornita....
28 April 2008
Arko III winner of GP at CSI*** Grobbendonk....
09 March 2008
Goed bloed liegt niet!...
30 January 2008
"Mister Capitol" visits Quality Stud....
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