Quality Stud

Athmosferic pictures.

Phase 1 and phase 2 on the stud are almost finished. You can find more athmosferic pictures on the website under the section 'about us' -> click on 'Pictures'. Phase 3, yet to be realized, was rejected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. They apparently do not get on investment in agricultural area in favor of the equine industry. A very unfortunate thing! We all know that farmers are currently struggling to survive and that horse breeding in Belgium knows unprecedented heights. So their (her) point of view and motivation is totally outdated and not at all testifying of knowledge about the present equine industry. It’s at the same time totally irresponsible that one person can stop such a project. Too bad, very bad, entering an appeal is apparently the only way out. Hopefully, the appeal will be judged by a college or group of people who are not unworldly and well aware of the horse industry. To be continued.

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