Quality Stud


MIDDELKERKE (Belgium) – The jumping horse breeding farm ‘Quality Stud’ from Middelkerke just launched an exclusive horse syndicate. With the ‘Wellington Breeding Syndicate’, the breeding farm wants to give a few horse lovers the opportunity to enjoy breeding top horses. More and more people are passionate about horses, besides the recreative ascpect, it seems that also breeding gets more and more attention. The latter however is an expensive business. Through the ‘Wellington Breeding Syndicate’, ‘Quality Stud’ wants to give a maximum of ten people the chance to invest in three top mares. The mares are property of the syndicate and will be covered yearly by appropriate, approved top stallions. The foals from these combinations will be put on sale on international auctions. The members of the ‘Wellington Breeding Syndicate’ each get their part of the profit. The mares stay at Quality Stud, where they get the same professional support and care as the 24 own mares of the breeding farm. The members can count on regular updates by the management and are invited to public auctions and participations at foal championships. It’s also possible for members to visit the breeding farm by appointment. More information you can find on the website of the breeding farm: www.qualitystud.be.

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